Directory of Resources For Being in Japan
- "How's Shopping?"
Not really different.
But if you wear fairly large sized clothes/shoes, you'd better bring all you'll need with you.
Large-sized goods in Japan are
scarce, or very expensive, or make you look like a dork. Mail-order
shopping is also growing in popularity, but the customs hassles can make it
more expensive than you might imagine. Make sure you know ALL the costs
your purchase will entail. There is also no custom of tipping in
Japan -- people do not tip waitresses, taxi-drivers, etc. Before you come to
Japan, getting a credit card would also be a good idea. Getting one in
Japan can be very frustrating, with more trouble of finding a guarantor,
$100 annuals, etc.
Bringing a cell phone to Japan is completely worthless. Japan runs on its own unique system.
It is also possible to rent a cell phone for a short period. There are some companies that allow you to just pick up a cell phone at the airport, or pay at a convenience store. Another option is buying a handset and using pre-paid cards from such brands as Docomo, J-Phone, AU and Tu-ka. Costs typically run from 6000 yen for the phone and up, making calls are about 100 yen per minute, and you can buy more time at a convenience store. For example at stores like 7-11 or phone shops is the "Pretty" model by Tu-Ka, which is about 7000 yen, or the J-Phone "Preca" model at 6,000 yen. You'll need to give some sort of ID which will be copied, and phone cards from 3-5000 yen are valid for 90 days. You can receive unlimited calls at no charge. The phones have a color screen, and can also use the Short Message Service (SMS) and send e-mail. If you want more freedom though, no seller will give you an unrestricted phone without a credit card and/or a deposit. Many people are stunned when they see the prices in Japan.
Bringing in
your own vitamins, herbs, cosmetics, aspirin, cold medicines, etc.
would be a smart choice. But BEWARE-- in the US lately many illegal
methamphetamine labs have bought up mass-amounts of psuedo-ephidrine type
cold pills (Sudafed, to convert to illegal speed. Japanese Customs
is aware of this and on the look out for anyone coming in with a mountain
of Sudafed or Vicks inhalers. Before you buy all those pills for those
future colds, consider what you purchase.
There are a
few other noteworthy aspects--you can buy virtually ANYTHING from
vending machines, which are everywhere. (They turn themselves off at 11PM for
alcohol; however these days there are many convenience stores that also sell
liquor 24 hours a day). There are no "last calls for alcohol" by law in Japan
either, and it's perfectly legal to be totally drunk on the street, in parks,
and on the beach. And nobody ever cards you. Now that's freedom!
Fireworks are also thankfully very legal, but on sale only in the summer months.
If you want to light some up for New Year's, you'll need to buy them before
August ends. It's still very rare for families to do so, but that may slowly be
changing too.
When leaving
Japan, you are permitted to take up to 1 million yen with you
without declaration. But if you enter the US you are required to file a
form with Customs if you are carrying more than $10,000 (regardless of
currency, travelers checks, bonds, etc.). Failure to do so may result in
seizure of your assets, DEA scrutiny, and maybe even an IRS audit. You are
allowed to take with you up to $400 of goods duty free into the US.
Just 10
years ago there were few westerners outside the
big cities. Now there are mobs of them everywhere. Even so, if you're new
here, there may be times that you feel out of it, or have a problem that you
just can't solve by yourself. But you don't have to feel helpless if you have
a medical problem or your employer screws you over. There are now many associations
that can help you. Here are a few valuable phone numbers to remember.
More websites for other cities and languages is at Secom and the Tokyo government. Other groups such as AA, AIDS support groups, PC and Mac User groups, motorcycle clubs, culture groups, religious groups, etc. are also around. Consult the classifieds of any big English magazine like Kansai Time Out, The Hiragana Times, Tokyo Journal, Tokyo Classified, etc.
If you live in
Japan, there might be a time when you decide to go home for
a visit. You might also notice that on some magazines
there are some discount travel agencies with seemingly reasonable prices. One
big caveat however--the price in the magazine might
not be the one you pay. Many, if not most agencies have a bit of a scam
running. They set you up for the price they post and then as
you close the deal they say, "By the way, there is an airport usage tax of
(2500-6500) yen you'll need to pay..." I have had that put on me
every time. I have also flown through Los Angeles many times and I KNOW there
is no such "usage tax". Sure, there are certain taxes
and fees that exist, but they're usually included in the up-front price of the
ticket. Even more off-the-wall is that for every agency
you call, you get a different amount for the so-called "usage tax". Japanese,
of course, simply say OK and pay more. Can you avoid
the scam? Maybe not. But when you start calling for quotes, make sure you ask
how much their ticket is with ALL surcharges
included-- don't just simply set up a reservation at a place with the
"cheapest price in town".
Moving back
is also very expensive. Whatever is not critical should either be sold or trashed
since the moving costs might well cost more
than the item itself. Besides, unless there is a specific international warranty,
warranties are invalid outside of Japan, and
even if you have something made by a big name
multi-national, they'll often be unable or unwilling to fix it. If you do take
it home though, there are several moving companies, all of
which are expensive. A cheaper option is the post office. Yet there might be
one more choice if you're up to it -- fill your suitcases
and backpack with stuff, go to Guam or Korea, and mail your stuff there. From
Guam you can use the US postal service, which costs
about one-third that of sea-mail from Japan--and your stuff will arrive in 2-5
days if you're sending it to the States. To calculate
exact costs, go to the USPS site and
find the cost from Agana, Guam to your destination.
For residents, it is important to notify your landlord or his representative at least a month before you move out. Also, contact your gas, water, and phone company on when you plan to leave, and arrange a time for them to come to your place to assess your usage for the last fraction of a month and have you pay on the spot. It may take a few weeks for the landlord to return any of your deposit by furi-komi, so you may wish to designate a friend's account number and be paid back later. Also you may have to arrange a time and pay a small fee to have larger items like washing machines, cabinets etc. taken away to be trashed. Your ward office should have all the details. Generally speaking, the selling price of used items is about half of what it cost when new (assuming there's nothing wrong with it). Selling items to another individual at a "sayonara sale" is preferable to a used-goods shop, since the shop will probably give you merely a quarter what you paid for it (and then they'll sell it at half price). Used good shops may not want the item if it's more than 10 years old, even if it's in mint condition. Do not take moving out lightly--unless you live like a spartan monk it will take several days to divide up what you want and what you don't, getting your affairs taken care of, etc. Leaving Japan during tourist season will also make getting a ticket that much harder -- call a travel agent at least 2 months in advance. You are allowed 2 suitcases up to 32 kg each and one hand-carry item (and a backpack if you've got the back for it) if flying to the Americas. When flying to Europe or other areas some airlines like Air France only allow up to 20kg per suitcase). Carrying a 3rd suitcase may also be an option. You'll need to pay the excess baggage charge but compared to mailing it from Japan it'd still be well worth it. Many airlines charge excess baggage at 1% of the airfare per kilogram. Check with your airline for complete info.
"Do you have any tips?"
*Learn as much Japanese as you can before you come. Anything you learn will make your stay here easier. Very few Japanese can speak English with ease. If you get lost, try writing your question on paper and giving it to someone young. Use simple words. Probably they can point you in the right direction.
*Bringing a number of inexpensive gifts with you is also a good idea, to give them to those who show you a big kindness. Nothing extravagant is necessary--even a video of MTV would do wonders, or some item of Americana or that represents where you're from. Cassettes of top-40 radio (Japanese radio is horrible), small picture books or calendars, posters, ashtrays, chocolates, pure maple or berry syrups, t-shirts or pens/pencils with famous animation characters (except Disney or Snoopy, which they have in abundance), liquor, caps, coasters, nice soap or shampoos, lotions, cosmetics, etc. would be great. Be aware though that in Japan 4 and 9 are "unlucky" numbers, and especially older Japanese tend to be superstitious, so avoid giving sets of 4 or 9.
*If you still don't know how many litres there are in a gallon, how hot 37 degrees Centigrade is, how heavy 32kg is, or how far 1 km is, then join the rest of the world and get on the metric system. Everything here is metric, and if you're not, you'll be lost very quickly.
*If you know where you'll be, getting some business cards before you come may be a good idea. However, while getting them in Japan is far more expensive, in Japan they can be printed in Japanese, or with English on one side. You will also receive many of them. They are exchanged to show who is superior to whom in this vertically-structured society. Do not play Frisbee with them , or stick them in your back pocket and sit on them when you meet someone.
* In Japan there is a 5% consumption tax. It is placed on every product you buy and every service (except public transportation), and more increases are expected in the years ahead.
* This is obvious, but NEVER SURRENDER YOUR PASSPORT TO ANYONE except the legal government authorities. Many people have been blackmailed to stay in their jobs by shady types who took them "for safekeeping". If they ask why, tell them the truth-- that you trust them about as far as you can throw--, well, maybe not that. But say that it's not even your property to give them--it's your government's, which is also true. Stay away from such places--you wouldn't be working there long anyway.
* If you're definitely coming, bring a good digital camera with you. They
are excellent for sending photos to friends thru the net, as well as easy
to make many photo albums of your experiences here. You can also store thousands
of photos on a Super DigiBin,
Nixvue Vista,
Digital Wallet,
* On the main island of Honshu there are many earthquake faults, and
tremors in Tokyo are a daily happening. Most of them you won't even feel,
but on occasion you might get a jolt. DON'T PANIC. But Tokyo is expecting a
"Big One" someday, so be prepared for any big earthquake or tsunami.
* In case you lose your passport, license, etc., keep a photocopy of them
in your place just in case. They can't be used in place of them but might
speed up getting a replacement.
For lots of other important cultural and etiquette info, please refer to
Japanese Manners and Etiquette Page.
There are a lot of excellent websites to help you out. Not coincidentally most of them
have put of a link to THE JAPAN FAQ.
This Japan FAQ can by no means answer everything. But I have attempted
to answer the most frequent and basic questions. Japan is neither paradise nor hell,
Tokyo neither Babylon nor Camelot. You can greatly enjoy and experience Japan by
coming here with an open mind and not "why they don't act more like me".
Some people will stare at you, and hearing how great you can use chopsticks
and how great you can speak Japanese (regardless of your true ability) will
be a daily, if not hourly occurrence. If this FAQ has saved one person from
a difficult situation, then it has been worth the effort of making it.
One final question that is often asked is, "Is Japan for me?"
There are good things and bad things about everything and whatever you choose
there is a series of trade offs; taking advantage of one
thing means giving up something else. There are many people in Japan, some
have been here for over 20 years and don't plan on leaving anytime soon;
and others for just a year and clearly it was a year too long for
them (and just about everyone else around them). It clearly takes some stamina,
patience and an open mind to survive living in a very dissimilar foreign country.
Unfortunately of late there have also been more than a few whiners who could win
the lottery in Japan and still complain and moan about everything Japanese from morning
til night. This FAQ may tend to be read as a bit cynical and sobering, but overall
Japan is what you make it, and most people should find being in Japan
a postive experience.
If you choose to come, enjoy your stay, and discover life in a very
dissimilar foreign country. You will learn as much about your own country
as about Japan. BE ENLIGHTENED.
Other Useful Websites
Comprehensive Sites on Japan
Links on Life In Japan
Links on Working in Japan
Links on Cheaper Japanese Accommodations
Links on Japanese Long Term Accommodations
Links On Getting Around
Maps of Japan
Japanese Media
Other Good Sites
The first page of The Japan FAQ is HERE.
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This FAQ is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, the authors/maintainers assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for any damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
©Copyright 2002, The Japan FAQ: Know Before You Go, All Rights Reserved. The contents on this website, all photos and custom-made graphics are property of the author and may not be copied, altered, or stored in a retreival system without express written permission.