Japanese Motorcycle Linguistic Info
Page 2: Motorcycle Linguistic Info
Many motorcycle-related words in Japan come from English. They often,
however, have somewhat different meanings than the original English. For
example BAIKU (バイク) means "motorcycle". It never means "bicycle".
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read it, many words will simply look like garbage. To be able to see the Japanese without a
properly equipped computer, try running this page through a translator website like
Monash University's Japanese page viewer.
Names for vehicles:
- BAIKU (バイク) motorcycle (most commonly-used word)
- GENTSUKI (原付き) motorized two-wheeled vehicle (usually <= 50cc)
- JIDOUSHA (自動車) car
- JITENSHA (自転車) bicycle
- KURUMA (車) car
- KYUUKYUUSHA (救急車) ambulance
- MAIKAA (マイカー) personal car (i.e. not taxi, etc.)
- MOTOKUROSU (モトクロス) motocross (vehicle, riding, etc.)
- NANAHAN (七半) 750cc motorcycle (Kansai dialect)
- NEIKIDDO (ネイキッド) motorcycle without fairings (engine exposed)
- NIHAN (二半) 250cc motorcycle (Kansai dialect)
- NIRINSHA (二輪車、2輪) "two-wheeled vehicle"
- OFUROODO (オフロード) offroad (vehicle, riding, etc.)
- OOTOBAI (オートバイ) scooter/motorcycle
- SUKUUTAA (スクーター) scooter (usually 50cc)
- TANSHA (単車) scooter/motorcycle
- YONRINSHA (四輪車、4輪車) cage (car)
- AITE (相手) "the other driver/rider"
- BOUSOUZOKU (暴走族) engine-revving delinquent punks/bike thieves
- DORAIBAA (ドライバー) car driver
- KEISATSU (警察) the police
- OMAWARISAN (お巡りさん) policeman (friendly term)
- RAIDA (ライダー) biker; one who rides a motorcycle
- SHIROBAI (白バイ) motorcycle cop (lit: white bike)
- SHUURIYASAN (修理屋さん) mechanic
- TANDEMU (タンデム) motorcycle passenger; riding with a passanger
Proper names:
- ARAI (アライ) Arai (helmet manufacturer)
- DOKA (ドカ) Ducati
- DOKACHI (ドカチ) Ducati
- HAARII (ハーリー) Harley Davidson (who?)
- HONDA (本田) Honda
- KATANA (刀) Katana
- KAWASAKI (カワサキ) Kawasaki
- SHOUEI (昭栄) Shoei (helmet manufacturer)
- SUZUKI (スズキ) Suzuki
- YAMAHA (ヤマハ) Yamaha
- YOSHIMURA (ヨシムラ) Yoshimura (parts manufacturer)
Accessories and Parts (if not in the list, probably can just Japifiy the English):
- GASORIN (ガソリン) gasoline; petrol
- REGYURAA (レギュラー) regular octane gas/petrol
- HAIOKU (ハイオク) high octane gas/petrol
- MANTAN (満タン) full tank
- HANDORU (ハンドル) handlebars; steering wheel
- HANSHATEEPU (反射テープ) reflective tape
- HERUMETTO (ヘルメット) helmet
- KOUGU (工具) tools
- OIRUKOUKAN (オイル交換) oil change
- RAITO (ライト) headlight
- RAITONOKOUJIKU (ライトの光軸) aim of the headlight
- SHASHU (車種) make or model (of vehicle)
- KUUKI (空気) air
- SUPEEDOMEETAA (スピードメーター) or SOKUDOKEI (速度計) speedometer
(Some Japified English examples that translate directly)
- BUREEKI (ブレーキ) brakes
- CHEEN (チェーン) chain
- ENJIN (エンジン) engine
- KURACCHI (クラッチ) clutch
- OIRU (オイル) oil
- ROKKU (ロック) lock
- TAIYA (タイヤ) tire
- HOKEN (保険) insurance
- JIBAISEKIHOKEN (自賠責保険) mandatory vechicle liability insurance
- JYUURYOOZEI (重量税) weight tax
- KARIMENKYO (仮免許) temporary license
- [UNTEN] MENKYOSHOU (「運転」免許証) [driver's] license
- SHONENDO TOUROKU (初年度登録) "year first registered" (i.e. model year)
- NANBAA PUREETO (ナンバープレート) license plate
- SHARYOUHOU (車両法) Motor Vehicle Law
- DOUROKOUTSUU (道路交通法) Road Traffic Law
- HAISHA (廃車) deregistered (out-of-service) vehicle
- GAIKOKUJIN TOUROKU SHOUMEISHO (外国人登録証明書) alien registration card
- JUUMIN HYOUSHOUMEISHOU (住民票証明書) Japanese citizen's card
- INKAN (印鑑) seal/stamp
- HANKO (判子) seal/stamp officially used as a signature
Bad things:
- AKAKIPPU (赤切符) ("red ticket") ticket for particulary grevious offenses
- AOKIPPU (青切符) ("blue ticket") ticket for minor offenses
- ATENIGE (当て逃げ) hit-and-run accident causing property damage
- DANPU (ダンプ) dump truck
- GASUKETSU (ガス欠) running out of gas
- HIKINIGE (ひき逃げ) hit-and-run accident causing personal injury
- HIKINIGE NI AU 退き逃げに合う to be the victim of a hit-and-run
- HIKINI WO SURU 退き逃げをする do to a hit-and-run (not a good thing)
- IHAN (違反) violation; offense
- JIKO (事故) traffic accident
- JINSHIN JIKO (人身事故) traffic accident resulting in personal injury/death.
- BUSSON JIKO (物損事故) traffic accident resulting in property damage
- KIPPU (切符) ticket (traffic, concert, train, plane, etc)
- KOUTSUU JUUTAI (交通渋滞) traffic jam
- KOSSETSU (骨折) bone fracture
- PANKU (パンク) flat tire; tire leak
- SHAKEN (車検) mandatory (and expensive) biyearly vehicle inspection
- SUBERU (滑べる) to slip; to slide
- KUROBU (転ぶ) to fall down
- TAKUSHI (タクシー) taxi
- TENTOU (転倒) dropping the bike, falling over
- TORAKKU (トラック) truck
- SHOUMEN SHOUTOTSU (正面衝突) head-on collision
- TSUITOTSU (追突) rear-end collision
- BYOUIN (病院) hospital
- BIYOUIN (美容院) beauity parlor (don't confuse with BYOUIN)
- DOURO (道路) street; road
- KAABU (カーブ) curve (in the road)
- KEISATSUKAN (警察官) police station
- KOUBAN (交番) police box
- KOUSATEN (交差点) intersection
- KOUSOKU DOURO (高速道路) very expensive toll highway
- KYUUHAN (急坂) steep grade
- MICHI (道) street; road
- RIKU'UNKYOKU (陸運局) District Land Transport Bureau (i.e. DMV)
- SUTANDO (スタンド) gas station; petrol station
- TOUGE (峠) mountain pass
- YUURYOU DOURO (有料道路) toll road
- ANZEN (安全) safety; safe
- ANZEN UNTEN (安全運転) driving safely
- ANZEN DAIICHI (安全第一) safety first
- ENJIN BUREEKI (エンジンブレーキ) engine braking (as opposed to using brakes)
- KYUU BUREEKI (急ブレーキ) sudden braking; stopping very quickly
- MANAA (マナー) manner of driving; following the rules
- OINUKU (追い抜く) to pass (i.e. another vehicle)
- KIBOU KAKAKU (希望価格) asking price
- OOBAAHOORU (オーバーホール) overhaul (i.e. engine)
- SOUKOU KYORI (走行距離) or NENPI mileage (i.e. odometer)
- NIDAN KAIUSETSU (二段階右折) two-step right turn (see BIKE CLASSES)
Go on to the next page Bike Classes and Vehicle Licensing
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